Eat, Party, Sleep, Repeat
Stephanie events

Frida inspired Kids Art Workshops 2023
Kids can join in the free art workshops inspired by iconic Mexican painter and artist Frida Kahlo every Saturday in August!

Oyster Festival at Sean's Kitchen 2023
The annual Oyster Festival returns for 2023, delivering new and exciting oyster-infused offerings.

Guru Dudu Silent Discos at Queen Vic Market 2023
Come swing dance and sing with award-winning Dudu Silent Disco

Feel Like An Icon With Harry Styles at Madame Tussauds Sydney 2023
Feel like an icon and step on stage with the launch of Madame Tussauds Sydney's brand new wax figure, Harry Styles in August!

Atmospheric Memory 2023
This exhilarating show features historical artifacts mixed with cutting-edge technologies from AI, robotics, endoscopy and fluid-dynamics to nanotechnology, mapping and 3D-printing

The Hills Big Band 2023
The Hills Big Band are a community based non-for-profit big swing jazz band playing a popular variety of well-known tunes both old and new, and feature two powerful vocalists.

Silk, Metal, Wood Musica Viva Australia 2023
This program started with an invitation to the fascinating French cellist Jean-Guihen Queyras - a human vessel of his instrument's soulful beauty, and a musician known for his sense of artistic adventure.
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