Eat, Party, Sleep, Repeat
Stephanie events

Gather and Graze Long Table Dinner 2023
GATHER & GRAZE IS BACK! If you love delicious food, GREAT drinks, live music and a dance + getting all of your favourite people together for a night out in the Swan Valley, then this is for you!

Edge of Reality 2023
The King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley, remains a cultural icon who blended musical traditions that culminated in unprecedented superstardom

Underscore 2023
The Idiomatics fuse their rich musical provenance of latin, ska and funk with Sally Ford's wryly observed stories of life, love and lived experience.

An Evening Without Kate Bush 2023
Howl with the Hounds of Love and dance on the moors with Wuthering Heights. Kate's not there, but you are.

Australian Society of Miniature Art Annual awards exhibition 2023
Miniature art is a unique artform, yet shares all of the best qualities of larger artworks, yet none have a perimeter larger than 40 cm!

Mozarts Great Mass in C Minor 2023
Brilliant conductor Masaaki Suzuki directs Mozart's powerful Great Mass in C minor, showcasing the genius composer at the very height of his powers.

Statement Jack Greens Paintings 2023
There are lots of important sacred sites and song-lines throughout our country... When these places are damaged it hurts us. We feel cut open.'
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