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P2 Advisory Canberra International 2022
The summer of tennis is in full swing when the top players from across the globe arrive in the capital to compete in the Canberra International.

Adam Hall and the Velvet Playboys New Years Eve 2022
Live at Lyrics Underground, The trendy Restaurant/ Bar in Maylands, Adam Hall and the Velvet Playboys present 2 great options, an Early and a Late show for New Years Ev

Tree of Hope at Yagan Square 2022
The Tree of Hope is a large-scale Christmas light installation as part of the City of Perth's Christmas Lights Trail, blooming over 46 summer evenings in Yagan Square, 6 - 11pm.

Ring in the New 2022
Adelaide Cantata Band presents a memorable New Year's Eve afternoon concert, featuring an expanded choir and band conducted by Kim Worley.

Wildlands 2023 - Adelaide
Discover a vibrant oasis filled with the biggest and most exciting dance, electronic and hip-hop acts from Australia and around the world.

Christmas Eve Circus Spectacular 2022
The circus comes to town in this special Christmas Eve matinee performance at Melbourne Town Hall.
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