Upnext Team

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Upnext Team events

With the support of a Breakout Residency from multidisciplinary Adelaide arts hub The Mill and an Arts & Culture grant f...


Autoeulogy: Work-in-progress showing at The Mill 2021

With the support of a Breakout Residency from multidisciplinary Adelaide arts hub The Mill and an Arts & Culture grant f...

Melbourne Cup 2021 Exclusive Corporate Marquee Luncheon. 2.5-hour food and beverage package from 11.30 am - 2 pm.Plus yo...


Melbourne Cup Exclusive Luncheon 2021

Melbourne Cup 2021 Exclusive Corporate Marquee Luncheon. 2.5-hour food and beverage package from 11.30 am - 2 pm.Plus yo...

Salut! presents a concert of baroque music with works by Barbara Strozzi- Francesca Caccini- Isabella Leonarda- Maddalen...


Women Of Note 2021

Salut! presents a concert of baroque music with works by Barbara Strozzi- Francesca Caccini- Isabella Leonarda- Maddalen...

Celebrate the art of Jeffrey Smart with a Tuscan-style lunch in the National Gallery's dining room overlooking the Sculp...


Jeffrey Smart: A Tuscan Lunch 2021

Celebrate the art of Jeffrey Smart with a Tuscan-style lunch in the National Gallery's dining room overlooking the Sculp...

Project 1: Sarah Lucas brings together recent bodies of work by one of England's most influential and unapologetic artis...


Project 1: Sarah Lucas 2021

Project 1: Sarah Lucas brings together recent bodies of work by one of England's most influential and unapologetic artis...

Experience exquisite lyricism and raw power
Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART Sinfonia Concertante
Anton BRUCKNER Symphony No.7


Mozart and Bruckner 2021

Experience exquisite lyricism and raw power Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART Sinfonia Concertante Anton BRUCKNER Symphony No.7 Jo...

At the end of 2020 the Powerhouse acquired an important private collection of keyboards from the middle of the 20th cent...


Electric Keys 2021

At the end of 2020 the Powerhouse acquired an important private collection of keyboards from the middle of the 20th cent...

The Family Project is a free-to-all platform which will feature free daily activities and advice which is all delivered ...


Quarantunes with The Beanies 2021

The Family Project is a free-to-all platform which will feature free daily activities and advice which is all delivered ...

The risks of climate change are clear. Nations are responding with commitments to net-zero emissions and with massive in...


Impact X Summit: Accelerating pathways to zero emissions 2021

The risks of climate change are clear. Nations are responding with commitments to net-zero emissions and with massive in...


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