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Edna Ryan Awards Night 2021
The Edna Awards review panel has awarded 28 feminist sisters from a very strong field of applications. Join us to celebr...

Sydney Open talk: Creative Placemaking 2021
Hear a panel of leading industry experts on creative placemaking as part of this year's Sydney Open program.Placemaking ...

The Design lunch at Hinchcliff House (Lana) 2021
We are excited to have Shaun Carter from Carter Williamson Architects come and share a bit of this architectural journey...

Art Somewhere: Georgia Draws a House 2021
Homes are places we play- tell stories- love- laugh and cry. Join us for a tribute to our abodes in this morning creativ...

Connecting with Country: First Nations Speaker Series 2021
First Nations peoples have been caring for Country for more than 65-000 years- long before European intervention.How can...

Exciting New World: Australian Life in the 1920s and 1930s 2021
The interwar years were decades of great change for Australia as people adjusted to a new way of life in a post-pandemic...

New Breed 2021
Carriageworks and Sydney Dance Company present New Breed- an annual celebration of the best emerging Australian choreogr...
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