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My Ikebana Exhibition By Clare Loveband 2021
Paintings by Clare and fellow students of Master Vernisher Wooh- complemented by arrangements of their art in Ikebana Th...

This Is A Conversation Starter Race Day 2021
The Ipswich Turf Club has earmarked October as Mental Health Awareness Month with the team planning a host of activities...

Derby Day At Eagle Farm Racecourse 2021
Immerse yourself in a day steeped in tradition- with the timeless Derby Day fashion theme of Black and White- carefully ...

Ipswich Twilight Markets 2021
Taste flavours from across the globe from the variety of food trucks- shop the market stalls- enjoy live music on the Tu...

Ipswich Twilight Markets | Tulmur Place 2021
Taste flavours from across the globe from the variety of food trucks- shop the market stalls- enjoy live music on the Tu...

Station to Station: A film by Doug Aitken 2021
Prepare for a high-speed train trip across the United States with artist Doug Aitken's Station to Station.This feature f...

Intro to hip hop dance workshop 2021
This workshop is part of the FOUNDATIONS dance & knowledge workshop series at Crossover Dance Studio. With the support o...
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