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The Screen & The Spatula 2021
Join Belinda Jeffery and Caroline Baum in conversation on food- memories and how smells can transport us back in time. T...

Annie Kennedy 2021
The paintings in 'Present Company' show moments of solitude and introspection- reverie of viewers engaging directly with...

Chasing Happiness 2021
Join us for a stimulating discussion!'Chasing happiness - a conversation on why mental health matters.'No matter our age...

The toxic greed of Australia's gas-led recovery 2021
NSW communities have for decades battled against an influx of large-scale resource extraction projects and fossil fuel i...

Virtual talk: soil with Matthew Evans 2021
Matthew Evans joins the Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts to tell the incredible story of what keeps the earth- and us- h...

Sydney Open 2021
Over the weekend of 5-7 November enjoy a reimagined Sydney Open with a curated program of online and unique outdoor expe...

Author talk: 'Signs and Wonders' with Delia Falconer 2021
Join Walkley Award-winning author Delia Falconer in conversation with Ailsa Piper discussing Delia's latest book.In 'Sig...
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