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Raiders of the Lost Ark In Concert 2022
In celebration of its 40th Anniversary- the film that gave the world one of its greatest movie heroes- Indiana Jones- is...

The Magical Music of Harry Potter 2022
The Magical Music of Harry Potter' is a unique and enchanting evening where original actors- star soloists- a choir and...

The Lord Of The Rings & The Hobbit: In Concert 2022
We celebrate the 20th anniversary of Peter Jackson's films and bring to life the legendary world of hobbits- elves and o...

The Script 2022
Frontier Touring is thrilled to welcome Dublin 3-piece- The Script- back to Australia- 4 years since their last headline...

Sydney Coastrek 2022
This March join Australia's premier hiking challenge for women and walk 60km- 45km- or 30km along Sydney's spectacular c...

Who's That Girl? Eurythmics & Annie Lennox Tribute Show 2021
Following several sold-out Sydney shows- Who's That Girl? The Eurythmics & Annie Lennox Show is very much looking forwar...

Louis Tillett's All Hallows' Eve 2021
Louis Tillett is hailed as a cult hero of the Sydney Underground- but is also a celebrated International musician and co...
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