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Steps along your spiritual path by Bhante Tejadhammo 2021
A sharing of some practical and helpful suggestions for cultivating your spiritual life. Integrating and making whole yo...

Drawing skills: 4 week online course 2021
Presented by artist Richard Byrnes this compact online course opens up the secrets and fundamentals of drawing in a way ...

FAVOURITES: Ceramics 2021
The Kerrie Lowe Gallery specialises in ceramics and has recently celebrated their 14th anniversary.We take pleasure in p...

Rusted On 2021
The members of Primrose Paper Arts who share a curiosity and passion for handmade paper- include professional artists- d...

Tassal's World Salmon Day Masterclass with Ruben Koopman 2021
On Friday October 8- Tassal Tasmanian Salmon will host a live virtual cooking masterclass in partnership with world-clas...

Reflections - Stories to Recharge and Rejuvenate 2021
We never know how a life story could uplift someone. Experiences inspire and bond us together because words are how we t...

Shamray performs Rachmaninov 2021
Intense might be an understatement. Notoriously challenging to play- Rachmaninov's Third Piano Concerto is a torrent of ...
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