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New and sustainable materials expo 2021
In collaboration with the Biennale of Sydney we set out to find innovative and environmentally sustainable materials tha...

Homebody-Kabul - A fundraiser for Afghanistan 2021
By special arrangement with Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Tony Kushner- Critical Stages Touring presents a livestrea...

Nature walks: Livestream session 2021
Our First Nations people have learned to learn and listen to the environment around them to allow them to take care of t...

Epoxy resin art workshop 2021
Have you considered learning resin art? Our beginner webinar will teach you new skills and how to get creative on resin ...

Term 4 after-school online communications classes 2021
Our specially crafted 4-in-1 program gives your child the opportunity to take part in a range of activities like public ...

Sydney Craft Week Festival launch 2021
On Thursday 8 October at 4pm join us on zoom to celebrate the launch of the 5th annual Sydney Craft Week Festival- the f...

Online Kinder Beat classes for 2 - 5 years old 2021
Kinder Beat Music is an outstanding award winning Australian music program for children aged 2 to 5 years- featuring man...
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