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Upnext Team events

Ergh- lockdown sucks. It really- REALLY- sucks. Even though we have to go through it- at least we can do it together. Th...


Lockdown Love In 2021

Ergh- lockdown sucks. It really- REALLY- sucks. Even though we have to go through it- at least we can do it together. Th...

Australia's First Nations Peoples have the longest continuing culture on Earth- passing on the lessons of land- sea and ...


Our Deadly Science 2021

Australia's First Nations Peoples have the longest continuing culture on Earth- passing on the lessons of land- sea and ...

Dreaming about a career change? Curious to see where your skills could take you? Liminal* was built for you. From August...


Liminal* 2021

Dreaming about a career change? Curious to see where your skills could take you? Liminal* was built for you. From August...

Faces in clouds: why our brains see human faces everywhereJoin Professor David Alais as he investigates why our brain is...


Lunchbox Science with Professor David Alais 2021

Faces in clouds: why our brains see human faces everywhereJoin Professor David Alais as he investigates why our brain is...

Celebrate National Science with Instituto Cervantes Sydney and SRAP (Spanish Researchers in Australia Pacific)Conference...


Plastic in the Ocean Virtual Talk 2021

Celebrate National Science with Instituto Cervantes Sydney and SRAP (Spanish Researchers in Australia Pacific)Conference...

Like Sydney- and many major cities around the world- New York is grappling with the challenge of rising coastal hazards-...


Jainey Bavishi on New York City's climate resiliency 2021

Like Sydney- and many major cities around the world- New York is grappling with the challenge of rising coastal hazards-...

A free live performance of The Whale Who Could Not Sing audio songbook by the author and musician Joanna Horsley. Take a...


Performance of The Whale Who Could Not Sing Audio Song Book 2021

A free live performance of The Whale Who Could Not Sing audio songbook by the author and musician Joanna Horsley. Take a...

Instituto Cervantes celebrates National Science Week - join us!Online Conference via zoom organised in conjunction with ...


Research Bites: Green Energy Special 2021

Instituto Cervantes celebrates National Science Week - join us!Online Conference via zoom organised in conjunction with ...

Over a series of interactive webinars- this program will address and discuss key issues in art and cultural heritage law...


UNSW Edge - Art & Cultural Heritage Law webinar series 2021

Over a series of interactive webinars- this program will address and discuss key issues in art and cultural heritage law...


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