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Underground Comedy Showcase 2021
FRINGEWORLD'S HIT COMEDY VENUE IS BACK!After a stellar season at Fringeworld 2021 Underground Comedy Showcase @The Recha...

Words of Italy 2021
Belonging, Family & Food Join Rose van Son and Josephine Clarke as they share poems from their collections Cloak of Let...

Open House Perth Design Matters #03 (The Innovators) 2021
Open House Perth is proud to present our next Design Matters Talk coming to you on June 23rd, with a special visiting sp...

Abstraction 2021
Including David Aspden- Robert Klippel- Peter Maloney- Gloria Petyarre- Liz Coats and Tony Coleing. The exhibition inclu...

Ask Cathy McGowan - Q&A session 2021
Cathy McGowan defeated the LNP in the Victorian rural stronghold of Indi to become the first of many successful female i...

The Sydney International Piano competition 2021
The Sydney International Piano Competition (The Sydney) is holding a digital competition in 2021- with 32 competitors fr...

Art Therapy for Lockdown [Online] 2021
Join this special art therapy lunchtime workshop to alleviate boredom and pressure during the lockdown.We will meet onli...
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