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Sydney Solstice Aboriginal Whale Watching Experience 2021
Whale Watching Sydney has partnered with Tribal Warrior to bring you a new and unique Aboriginal whale watching experien...

Weekly live jazz with the Blue Lamp Group 2021
From 7pm every Wednesday- Thursday & Saturday- The Swinging Cat- hidden beneath the streets of the CBD- turns into one o...

Blue Collar Jazz Live at The Swinging Cat 2021
In addition to their regular Wednesday- Thursday & Saturday live music- The Swinging Cat- a New Orleans inspired undergr...

Calabuch: Free online Spanish movie stream 2021
After the success of Bienvenido Mister Marshall- Berlanga directs a co-production with Italy set in a small Valencian vi...

History High Tales: As The Tourists Arrived 2021
Think Sydney tourism started in the 20th Century - think again! It wasn't just Europe and the Grand Tour that was all th...

Transpersonal Art Therapy worksop 2021
Looking for a creative way to spend a Friday night? Enter your imagination and explore your subconscious through art.Age...

Walking Cane 2021
Experienced musicians playing the music of the greatest Blues artists of the mid 20thC recording era- reproducing the st...
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