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Flamenco for everybody 2021
Flamenco For Everybody is presented by Annalouise Paul Dance Theatre in partnership with Sydney Solstice Festival 2021. ...

Songwriters @ The Rocks 2021
Discover Sydney's most exciting up-and-coming musical talent- soak in live tunes and be the first to hear original music...

Variety Spin 4 Kids Sydney 2021
Variety - the Children's Charity will crown Sydney's Kings and Queens of Spin as part of a new spin bike challenge raisi...

Faulty Towers the dining experience 2021
Straight from London's West End via the legendary Sydney Opera House- this international sensation is now returning to C...

CREATION solstice performance 2021
Creation is a crowd-sourced faith- facing the climate crisis with collective creativity. Developed with audiences throug...

Dani Young 2021
Dani Young launches her new single 'Alibi' in a full band show at Foundry. Dani Young is a country soul artist who catap...

Acting classes Redfern: Learn the technique that works 2021
The Actors Pulse is the leading Meisner school in the southern hemisphere- providing an unparalleled depth and richness ...
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