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Upnext Team events

...Montgomery Church make a rare kind of hill country magic: spinning gossamer tapestries with timeless acoustic sounds...


Montgomery Church: Where the Quiet Can Hide Tour 2021

...Montgomery Church make a rare kind of hill country magic: spinning gossamer tapestries with timeless acoustic sounds...

Witness awe-inspiring action in the Vitapet Arena with TV vet Dr Katrina Warren and The Wonderdogs- and an ast-hound-ing...


Sydney Dog Lovers Show 2021

Witness awe-inspiring action in the Vitapet Arena with TV vet Dr Katrina Warren and The Wonderdogs- and an ast-hound-ing...

Since the dance restarted we've been going full pelt to bring you as many reasons to get out of the house and onto the f...


Picnic presents CC:DISCO 2021

Since the dance restarted we've been going full pelt to bring you as many reasons to get out of the house and onto the f...

WAYS Youth & Family will host Mini Blitz (aka Bondi Blitz)- in partnership with Waverley and Woollahra Councils.Mini Bli...


Mini Blitz: Youth music showcase at Bondi Markets 2021

WAYS Youth & Family will host Mini Blitz (aka Bondi Blitz)- in partnership with Waverley and Woollahra Councils.Mini Bli...

The Statement of Attainment in Business Administration and Customer Service is a government-funded program aimed at assi...


Statement of attainment: Business admin & customer service 2021

The Statement of Attainment in Business Administration and Customer Service is a government-funded program aimed at assi...

Barbarella Productions presents a line-up of hilarious comedians for an evening of side-splitting comedy entertainment!A...


Barbarella Comedy Night Coogee Diggers 2021

Barbarella Productions presents a line-up of hilarious comedians for an evening of side-splitting comedy entertainment!A...

This qualification may be used as a pathway for workforce entry as community services workers who provide the first poin...


Certificate II: Community Services 2021

This qualification may be used as a pathway for workforce entry as community services workers who provide the first poin...

We invite you to come and visit Michael Buzacott's latest sculpture exhibition 'Portraits' to be held at the ARO Gallery...


Michael Buzacott Portraits" 2021"

We invite you to come and visit Michael Buzacott's latest sculpture exhibition 'Portraits' to be held at the ARO Gallery...

Prepare for an evening of class and sophistication. Learn about caviar & champagne straight from the experts.Join us in ...


Caviar and Champagne masterclass 2021

Prepare for an evening of class and sophistication. Learn about caviar & champagne straight from the experts.Join us in ...


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