Upnext Team

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Upnext Team events

Learn the fundamental principles of abstract painting and discover how colours change and move in a picture plane. Tonee...


Winter School: Painting into Abstraction 2021

Learn the fundamental principles of abstract painting and discover how colours change and move in a picture plane. Tonee...

This advanced painting course is for those who have an established art practice and are seeking to expand their work. Ro...


Winter School: Painting Masterclass 2021

This advanced painting course is for those who have an established art practice and are seeking to expand their work. Ro...

Be encouraged to create patterns and shapes- textures and layers- with various hand-stitch applications in two and three...


Winter School: Soft Drawing 2021

Be encouraged to create patterns and shapes- textures and layers- with various hand-stitch applications in two and three...

What are the challenges for today's portrait painter? How do you capture a likeness and character from within the tradit...


Winter School: The Drama of the Human Face 2021

What are the challenges for today's portrait painter? How do you capture a likeness and character from within the tradit...

This intensive course introduces students of all levels of experience to the practical- technical and creative requireme...


Winter School: Welding Sculptures 2021

This intensive course introduces students of all levels of experience to the practical- technical and creative requireme...

DreamBIG Children's Festival is South Australia's iconic biennial arts festival for schools and families that places its...


Dreambig Children's Festival 2021

DreamBIG Children's Festival is South Australia's iconic biennial arts festival for schools and families that places its...

Dark Matter, Bright Light showcases recent acquisitions of contemporary international and Australian works of art alongs...


Dark Matter- Bright Light 2021

Dark Matter, Bright Light showcases recent acquisitions of contemporary international and Australian works of art alongs...

Get lost in a story of life, love and loss on the high seas. Explore the tale of a love triangle as told through the pho...


Pamela And The Duchess: Life On The Last Windjammers 2021

Get lost in a story of life, love and loss on the high seas. Explore the tale of a love triangle as told through the pho...

By Nat BartschWhen pianist and composer Nat Bartsch became a mother, she created a suite of lullabies with her newborn s...


Nat Bartsch's Lullabies 2021

By Nat BartschWhen pianist and composer Nat Bartsch became a mother, she created a suite of lullabies with her newborn s...


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