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Secret Comedy Club 2021
Now in their 7th year of sold out comedy shows- the team from 'A Laugh And A Half' have another stand-up comedy show for...

The Rocks Market Night Edition 2021
Every Friday afternoon- thousands of Sydney-siders have one phrase on repeat in their heads - woohoo- it's Friday!To cel...

Adaptive tennis hub 2021
Run by qualified inclusion tennis coaches- these sessions include games- match play- cardio tennis- strength and conditi...

Career success workshop: Succeed in your job application 2021
For international students- migrants and refugeesModule 4 - Succeed In Your Job ApplicationIn this workshop you will pre...

CC:Disco 2021
Since the dance restarted we've been going full pelt to bring you as many reasons to get out of the house and onto the f...

Create your future now 2021
One day to change your life...You may have noticed that some people seem to live abundantly in flow- money is easy- they...

Kinder Beat - Music Class for Children 2-5 Years 2021
Kinder Beat Music is your child's first step into the world of music and music education.WHAT IS KINDER BEAT?Kinder Beat...
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