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Live at the Great: Gershwin and Piazzolla 2021
Take a journey through the colourful streets of Buenos Aires from the early 1920s with Piazzolla to modern day Sydney th...

The Matt McMahon Quartet 2021
The Matt McMahon quartet features the addition of award-winning trumpeter Phil Slater to the Matt McMahon trio. Expect t...

Dressed to kill: When art and fashion collide 2021
Fashion today is a form of popular aesthetics. No-one can avoid contemporary art or fashion in everyday life: look at th...

Mike Nock Noctet: World Jazz Day 2021
World Jazz Day- Mike Nock's Noctet play Foundry616 - and what better way to celebrate the occasion than visit Foundry616...

The Mad Hatter on Purpose 2021
Get ready to go down the rabbit hole to discover your purpose!Jasper Vallance- the founder and Chief Party Officer of 'X...

Night Tales Takeover x Pamelas 2021
The electronic duo that is Night Tales is taking over Pamela's on Saturday 1st May! With their emotive dance floor fille...

Ableton Skills 1 For Youth short course 2021
Ableton Skills 1 is a 4-week (2 hours per week) beginner program for youth 12-18 that introduces the basic operations of...
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