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Talk: Holocaust survivor Jack Feiler 2021
For 14 years and olderJack Feiler was born in Poland in 1944. Jack's is one of the most haunting and unforgettable stori...

HP Boyz 2021
HP Boyz are an independent Australian Hip Hop group from Melbourne. The band comprises of: YJ- Mways and Onit. They star...

Talk by Holocaust survivor Olga Horak OAM 2021
This is an unmissable opportunity to hear the heart-wrenching story of Holocaust survivor Olga Horak OAM.Olga was born i...

Once: The Musical 2021
After a sell-out 2019 season- our breathtaking production of Once returns to make you fall in love all over again.Once i...

Book Launch: Humanity in Medicine 2021
Join us as we launch Kerry Breen's book Humanity in Medicine: The Life of Physician Dr Stanley Goulston.In 1940- Dr Stan...

Film Screening: The Unknown Soldier 2021
Join us for a screening of the film The Unknown Soldier- followed by a conversation with Visiting Professorial Fellow Mi...

The Wedding Singer 2021
David Venn Enterprises (Bring It On The Musical) is thrilled to announce that Adelaide will be home to the Australian pr...
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