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Aboriginal Bushfood Cooking 2021
Cook up a storm with Marissa from Bindi Bindi dreaming and learn how traditional herbs and spices were used before 1829....

Play the King of Instruments at Wesley Church 2021
Have you ever been intrigued by the pipe organ? This is your opportunity to come along and have a try. If you play piano...

Studio Snazzy 2021
Artist Carly Snoswell explores the effects of light, colour and shape through textiles. Using embroidery and patchwork, ...

Entertainment Saturdays At Exchange Hotel Gawler 2021
Saturdays Live is back again - DJs playing tracks on the deck every week! It's always an awesome night!Get keen for groo...

Peter Goers In Joyful Strains 2021
Let's hear it for a 'joyful strain'. Particularly in the morning! The Great Goers, raconteur and Fringe Award winner, re...

Farm Volunteer Working Bees 2021
Farm volunteers help with the growing and development of the farm site in Sydney Park at St Peters. Shifts are for 1 ½ o...

2021 Sydney Property Market Update
2021 Sydney Property Market UpdateFind out why the big banks are predicting growth of up to 20% over the next 2 years. A...
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