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Upfront 2021
Hosted by Geraldine Quinn's Spandex Ballet- the stage is set for the crowned queens of comedy to deliver whip-smart laug...

Peter Combe Greatest Hits Tour 2021
Take a musical tour down memory lane with Peter Combe singing all his best-known songs. A concert for today's kids- pare...

Fashion Weekend 2021
The Melbourne Fashion Festival takes over the city with a variety of activities and entertainment.The two-days includes ...

Declan the Music Man 2021
Declan plays not one- not two- but 25 different instruments. You might hear the Italian mandolin (plucked string instrum...

Youth Week WA 2021
Youth Week WA KickstART Festival is a week-long state wide celebration of young creatives aged between 12 - 26. KickstAR...

Recitals for the People at Wesley Church 2021
Celebrating 150 years since Wesley Church was opened in 1870. It is one of the few remaining 19th century colonial build...

Buddah's Birthday and Multicultural Festival 2021
Join us at the Buddha's Birthday & Multicultural Festival, organized by Fo Guang Shan worldwide in celebration of the bi...
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