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A series of striking silent films curated by ACMI- Australia's national museum of screen culture- will take over Fed Squ...


Not-So Silent Outdoor Cinema 2021

A series of striking silent films curated by ACMI- Australia's national museum of screen culture- will take over Fed Squ...

The Westin Melbourne brings a taste of coastal summer to the city with a delicious riff on their classic High Tea - High...


High Seas 2021

The Westin Melbourne brings a taste of coastal summer to the city with a delicious riff on their classic High Tea - High...

A generation born in the aftermath of the 9-11 attacks are coming of age. These young people - Muslim and non-Muslim - h...


Coming of Age in the War on Terror 2021

A generation born in the aftermath of the 9-11 attacks are coming of age. These young people - Muslim and non-Muslim - h...

The National Disability Insurance Scheme has allocated $700m per annum for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) to ...


Doors open for specialist disability accommodation 2021

The National Disability Insurance Scheme has allocated $700m per annum for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) to ...

How can we create a more just world?From the Paris Attacks- the Syrian War- and the European Migrant Crisis to Brexit an...


Justice & love 2021

How can we create a more just world?From the Paris Attacks- the Syrian War- and the European Migrant Crisis to Brexit an...

Dance really is for every BODY.At Heartdancers- we believe that everyone should have access to the life-changing health ...


Rhythm is Life 2021

Dance really is for every BODY.At Heartdancers- we believe that everyone should have access to the life-changing health ...

Knights- ladies- castles - these are often the popular images of the Middle Ages. But the reality of life then was actua...


Virtual Talk: Life in Medieval Times 2021

Knights- ladies- castles - these are often the popular images of the Middle Ages. But the reality of life then was actua...

Professional Development Forum (PDF) was established to help diverse young professionals reach their full potential in t...


Executive presence for diverse young professionals 2021

Professional Development Forum (PDF) was established to help diverse young professionals reach their full potential in t...

The smallest measure. Jessie Boylan. Slow emergencies are forms of harm and damage that are not acute but occur graduall...


The smallest measure 2021

The smallest measure. Jessie Boylan. Slow emergencies are forms of harm and damage that are not acute but occur graduall...


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