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Upnext Team events

A tribute to an imagination that dares to hear the improbable - Sydney Morning HeraldAn elegant suite of electric-acoust...


SIMA Presents Vienna Dreaming (Premiere) 2021

A tribute to an imagination that dares to hear the improbable - Sydney Morning HeraldAn elegant suite of electric-acoust...

Campy- psychedelic- and utterly bizarre- 'Vegas in Space' was one of the first truly queer midnight movies- and a cinem...


Vegas in Space 2021

Campy- psychedelic- and utterly bizarre- 'Vegas in Space' was one of the first truly queer midnight movies- and a cinem...

Sunset Piazza Community Concert features a line-up of local talent. Discover non-professional or community performers an...


Sunset Piazza Community Concert 2021

Sunset Piazza Community Concert features a line-up of local talent. Discover non-professional or community performers an...

Guitarist Arthur Washington and singer Tilly Street celebrate swinging- timeless jazz classics in an intimate evening of...


Arthur Washington's Sexytet @ Ruby's 2021

Guitarist Arthur Washington and singer Tilly Street celebrate swinging- timeless jazz classics in an intimate evening of...

Trumpeter Eamon Dilworth leads us in a rollick through the New Orleans song book. Inspired by the music of Dr John- Prof...


Crawfish Po' Boys @ Ruby's 2021

Trumpeter Eamon Dilworth leads us in a rollick through the New Orleans song book. Inspired by the music of Dr John- Prof...

Mary Heart's rip-roaring- foot-stomping rhythm and blues plays homage to beloved jazz and 50's rock and roll classics. L...


Mary Heart Trio @ Ruby's 2021

Mary Heart's rip-roaring- foot-stomping rhythm and blues plays homage to beloved jazz and 50's rock and roll classics. L...

Let's bring back the joy of performance! The clown is at the core of the actor's craft and they help us build an appetit...


Clowning for Performance: 8-week Creative Lab Class 2021

Let's bring back the joy of performance! The clown is at the core of the actor's craft and they help us build an appetit...

In clowning and clown training we can engage movement- parade and laughter to alleviate pain and suffering- and to remin...


Humanitarian Clowning Workshop: Putting Humour into Humanity 2021

In clowning and clown training we can engage movement- parade and laughter to alleviate pain and suffering- and to remin...

M@SM presentsthe Climate ChangersTHUR 18 FEB : 7.30pm3 course Asian Fusion-Tapas and two live setsA 5-piece band made ju...


The Climate Changers 2021

M@SM presentsthe Climate ChangersTHUR 18 FEB : 7.30pm3 course Asian Fusion-Tapas and two live setsA 5-piece band made ju...


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