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Upnext Team events

Standing still the trees: An exhibition from Carol Archer 2021
Standing still the trees- an exhibition of works on paper by Carol Archer- is a timely meditation on our relationship wi...

I feel love: The music of Donna Summer 2021
Internationally known diva of the 90's Mary Kiani presents The music of Donna Summer with a sensational 7-piece band.LaD...

Music in the Sky 2021
Music in The Sky will take you on a journey from sunset to dreaming- space and sunrise- exciting all senses with live mo...

Afl Women's Round 1: Gold Coast Suns V Melbourne 2021
Footy is back! Round 1 of the 2021 NAB AFL Women's Premiership Season is kicking off this Saturday!Come and cheer on as ...

Ipswich Trail Run Series 2021
The Ipswich Trail Run Series is a community event leading participants through one of South East Queensland's most beaut...

Valentine's Day Big Band Cabaret Dinner & Show 2021
A very special Valentine's Day edition of the Big Band Cabaret Dinner and Show! An evening of fabulous food and alluring...

Online Live Streaming Class: Diy Clay Hand Building For Beginners 2020
Learn how to make decorative ceramics to enjoy at home.This class is held online.Upon booking- you'll get a craft box wi...
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