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Greasy Chicken Orchestra 2020
Johnston has always understood that jazz's history is a rich resource rather than a liability- and with this band he im...

WILD LIFE Sydney Cork and canvas Champainting experience 2020
Spend some koala-ty time with your special someone at WILD LIFE Sydney Zoo with Sydney's wildest paint and sip experienc...

Free guided ride - Circular Quay to Moore Park 2020
Circular Quay to Moore Park- then Surry Hills - 11km- approx 90 minutes.Join us for a guided group ride at a relaxed pac...

Essie Holt 2020
Join us as we welcome the amazing Essie Holt to the Soda stage.Essie Holt is a Sydney based singer-songwriter-producer- ...

Learn to meditate 2020
Learn the essential tools of meditation and feel inspired to start your own meditation practice at home in this short mo...

Collaboration over Competition 2020
During this year of great and unexpected change- we've heard a lot of people saying 'we're all in this together' and the...

Assertiveness and Mental Health workshop 2020
We welcome you to join us for a very informative event in celebration of Mental Health Month and International Men's Day...
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