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Sculpture and Drawing class - 9 week term 2020
This unique 9-week course combines the 2 disciplines of drawing and sculpture in a friendly and accessible studio environment. This class is conducted within Covid-19 safe guidelines with student numbers limited and physical distancing implemented. The health of our students is a priority in the delivery of this course.Instruction in classic and contemporary sculpture- such as clay modelling and carving- is provided. Instruction will be provided in figure proportion- capturing volumes- rendering portrait features and observational drawing skills. Ideas can then be transferred to sculptures which display the acquired skills.No previous experience required. Beginners welcome.Tools provided. Clay can be purchased at venue.

StudioRCC Protools audio editing 6 week course 2020
Last Minute Productions offers a 6 week Protools online introductory free course hosted by Tim McArtney.You will learn:Week 1Creating a sessionNaming a sessionSetting Sample Rate and Bit rateImporting audio- adding Audio tracks- Instrument tracks- Midi and Aux tracksPlugins- Inserts and sends and how to make them work for you.Week 2Automation and why it's so cool and dynamicBasic Shortcuts to speed you upSignal flow and gain staging…so you don't get 'bad' distortionWeek 3 - Import samples- make a beat AND customise your sessions!Import samples to make a beat from the workspaceDig into the preferences and change things so you make your workflow quickerFind out what busses mean- and what stock plugins are excellentWeek 4Shortcuts- How you can make them work for youPro Tools tricks like FoldersInstantly adding Aux SendsConverting Midi to Audio and Committing computer resources to release stress from the computerLearn how to be creative with Audio suite within Pro ToolsWeek 5Learn how to properly gain stage your audio and what that meansLearn how to reference against commercial releasesUse Pro Tools Stock Plugins to make it sound commercialWeek 6Learn more tricks and expand on your basic knowledge to really use Pro Tools to your advantage-Meet Tim McArtneyMulti-instrumentalist- Songwriter- Producer- Recording and Mixing Engineer .Recording engineer for 'The Voice'- Briggs- Lisa Mitchell- Jarryd James- Rose Tattoo- Hoodoo Gurus- Gurrumul.Assistant Engineer for Gang of Youths- The Vines- Youth Group- Harry Vanda- Jessica Mauboy- Darryl Somers.Career HighlightsBand Leader and Music Consultant for 'I Am Woman' Australian Feature FilmBand Leader and Casting for 3 seasons of 'A Place To Call Home' Musician on 'Love Child'Composer and recording engineer for Transport NSW Heritage museumSongwriting co-write featured on American Disney TV Show 'Grownish' (Stronger Than - LANKS)Bass Guitar on Alfie Arcuri's winning album from The Voice 2016.Register hereDisclaimerA. To the extent permitted by law- The City of Sydney- its officers- employees- agents and contractors are not liable for any personal injury- loss or damage to property or financial loss (including payment of medical expenses) any individual may suffer whilst participating in online programs and activities presented by The City of SydneyandB. By participating in City of Sydney online programs- individuals accept that they do so at their own risk and accept that they waive and forego any legal right that they may otherwise have against the City of Sydney and or against its officers- employees- agents and contractors.StudioRCC programs are for 18years and over- any participants under 18yrs younger must be accompanied by an adult.)

The Rocks free walking tour 2020
Which pub in the Rocks is the oldest? It's plagued with controversy. Wonder off the beaten path- delve into the history of the Rocks- the site of Australia's first European settlement. We'll explore our indigenous history- share with you the stories of murders- mysteries and convict history as we explore the laneways- pubs- and historical buildings.

Full Body Burn 2020
This 30-minute class is designed for anyone who needs a quick and effective HIIT style workout.Description - This class will incorporate your whole body to burn fat and work your cardiovascular system by using an interval training style of workout.Fitness - This class caters to all fitness levels. Expect to sweat and have some fun at the same time!Equipment - The workout will consist mostly of bodyweight exercises but might occasionally require some light dumbbells or equivalent.Instructor: - Alexandra GleesonPlease make sure you have a clear area to move. The video can be paused at any time to get a drink of water or to have a breather. Exercise within your physical limits to stay safe and injury free. If during exercising- you become injured or exhibit signs of distress such as chest pains- you should stop exercising immediately and call 000 emergency services for assistance.Health and medical concernsWe encourage you to seek appropriate medical advice or assistance before participating in any online fitness classes- especially if you not been physically active and- or are aged 60 years and above.You may check your health clearance prior to starting or using our fitness classes on this online pre-exercise form. If you answered yes to any of the health conditions listed on the page- it is recommended that you seek medical clearance before participating in any online classes. If you have any questions or concerns- please call 02 8374-6323There are no fees to participate in our online fitness classes and you can reserve your free spot here. DisclaimerBy participating in City of Sydney online pre-recorded fitness classes- you acknowledge that you do so at your own risk and waive and forego any legal right that you may otherwise have against the City of Sydney and or against its officers- employees- agents and contractors.To the extent permitted by law- the City of Sydney- its officers- employees- agents and contractors are not liable for any loss or damage of any kind including any personal injury- loss or damage to property or financial loss (including payment of medical expenses) that you may suffer while participating in online programs and activities presented by The City of Sydney.

Lunchtime HIIT 2020
HIIT is a 30 minute high interval intensity training session in the comfort of your own home- delivered virtually through the Zoom platform.The HIIT class is a high energy cardio workout of body-weight exercises that alternates between periods of intense workout with less intense recovery periods.HIIT workouts provide improved athletic capacity and conditioning by mixing aerobic and resistance training.The interval workouts cater to all fitness levels with the emphasis on having fun while getting fit and staying healthy.Book your spot.

Online life internet skills classes with IT specialist Leo 2020
Join IT specialist Leo for this online virtual class.It will focus on enabling new computer users to navigate the internet- explore ways to broaden- facilitate- and enhance your life.Register for the course here.Classes will be held on Zoom- connection details will be emailed once you have registered.Note: No Online Life Internet Skills class on Tuesday 29 September- 6 & 13 October 2020Equipment needed for online classLaptop or desktop computer with internet connection Smartphone with internet connection (this is ok but instructional aspects of the class won't be optimal on a small screen)Disclaimer: a. To the extent permitted by law- the City of Sydney- its officers- employees- agents and contractors are not liable for any personal injury- loss or damage to property or financial loss (including payment of medical expenses) any individual may suffer whilst participating in online programs and activities presented by the City of Sydney.b. By participating in City of Sydney online programs- individuals accept that they do so at their own risk and accept that they waive and forego any legal right that they may otherwise have against the City of Sydney and or against its officers- employees- agents and contractors.

Singing lessons with Sharon on Tuesdays 2020
Sharon Hayes has been teaching singing for the City of Sydney at the Reginald Murphy Centre in Kings Cross on Fridays for 4 years and the Harry Jensen Centre in Millers Point for one term on Tuesdays. It has brought a lot of joy to the community. New friendships have been made along with learning how to sing correctly. The students are very pleased with their progress. Sharon was sponsored to sing solo by 'The Metropolitan Room' NYC 2012-2014- she is on iTunes and sings professionally. Sharon also teaches privately and is currently working on a new album. She teaches scales for 30 minutes then each person has the opportunity to sing 1 or 2 songs- which she work on with them to bring out the best. Everyone has lots of fun.Disclaimer a. To the extent permitted by law- the City of Sydney- its officers- employees- agents and contractors are not liable for any personal injury- loss or damage to property or financial loss (including payment of medical expenses) any individual may suffer whilst participating in online programs and activities presented by the City of Sydney and b. By participating in City of Sydney online programs- individuals accept that they do so at their own risk and accept that they waive and forego any legal right that they may otherwise have against the City of Sydney and or against its officers- employees- agents and contractors.

StudioRCC singing group free online course 2020
StudioRCC deliver free singing programs for tweenies (8 to 12 years) youth (12 to 24 years) and opens (all ages) hosted by Asahi Takahashi.Beginner level singers are welcome to join in at anytime using Zoom link.StudioRCC programs are for 18 years and over- any participants under 18 years younger must be accompanied by an adult.Disclaimer a. To the extent permitted by law- the City of Sydney- its officers- employees- agents and contractors are not liable for any personal injury- loss or damage to property or financial loss (including payment of medical expenses) any individual may suffer whilst participating in online programs and activities presented by the City of Sydney and b. By participating in City of Sydney online programs- individuals accept that they do so at their own risk and accept that they waive and forego any legal right that they may otherwise have against the City of Sydney and or against its officers- employees- agents and contractors

Cyren's Melbourne Cup Luncheon 2020
Celebrate the race that stops the nation - Melbourne Cup 2020 at Cyren Bar Grill Seafood- - Sydney's best Melbourne Cup Party venue!Enjoy the day on the water with a 4 course sit down lunch inclusive of a 3 hour drinks package for only $195 per person. This is one event you won't want to miss - an incredible atmosphere- big screens- stunning water views and much more!Get in early- as tables book out fast! Call us on 1300 989 989 or simply fill out the booking form and email it to restaurant@cyren.com.au Your health and safety is our priority. Our restaurants are COVID safe and we have strict restrictions in place so you can enjoy your favourite waterfront dining experience!
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