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Brisbane Street Art Festival (BSAF) 2023
The BSAF 2023 mural program will welcome artists from around the world and across the country to join significant local ...

Bands in Parks: Coronation Day at Government House 2023
Government House will be open to celebrate the occasion of the Coronation of King Charles III. Come along and enjoy the ...

Lanham Park May Fair 2023
The May Fair is an awesome afternoon with community stalls and live music, as well as food and drink for purchase and ac...

Dracula's: The Resurrection Tour 2023
After a sold-out season in 2022, Dracula's: The Resurrection Tour is coming to Canberra!Dracula's: The Resurrection Tour...

Dracula's: The Resurrection Tour Canberra 2023
After a sold-out season in 2022 'Dracula's: The Resurrection Tour' is coming to Canberra! 'Dracula's: The Resurrection T...

Crimes Of The Heart 2023
Even crimes of the heart have consequences.In this award-winning black comedy, the three MaGrath sisters are together in...

Let's Ham It Up: 8-Course Degustation 2023
Take your seat at Chef Sigrid's private table for an indulgent eight-course (gluten-free) degustation extravaganza highl...
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