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Recipes for the Restless with Romu and Nat Harris 2020
Renowned chef and owner of Romu demonstrates how to cook his okonomiyaki recipe. Romu will be joined

Online Tour Daydream 2020
Take a virtual tour of Daydream, a Melbourne Design Week installation curated by artist Yan Huang, a

Damper Making with Native Ingredients 2020
Trickery, sharing, tradition and the ocean - hear the myth of the creation of Mer Island while makin

The Changing Face of Victoria Tour 2020
This tour has been CANCELLED until further notice due to COVID-19. Visit the State Library website f

Affirmation 2020
Affirmation is a major exhibition that explores truth-telling through a First Nations lens at the Ko

ACMI Kids Online Learning Mar 2020
Instead of feeling guilty about screen time, parents can find a balance between the passive screen t

Melbourne Libraries' Online Storytimes 2020
Are you missing the City of Melbourne's libraries' storytime, songbird and stomper sessions? The lib
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