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Speed dating for ages 38-50 2023
Expect to meet eligible singles from across Sydney for a night of fun and flirtation!You'll go on a series of mini-dates...

Youth Week Cook4Good Volunteer Program 2023
Celebrate Youth Week and be part of the next generation of generosity!During your 3 hours with us, you'll put love, kind...

ANZAC Day Sydney CBD March 2023
Over 9,000 current serving members and veterans of the Australian Defence Force file past the Anzac Memorial to pay thei...

Illuminate Wellness Retreat 2023
This four-day transformation experience offers self-discovery and self-healing. It is an opportunity to reconnect with t...

The Captain's Trail' at the Maritime Museum 2023
It's school holiday time and the Maritime Museum has some fun, safe activities and challenges ahead for you.The holiday ...

Art projection: Sophie Beer's Dogs of Brisbane 2022 2001
Since 2019, Council has commissioned digital artworks for the city's growing public art collection by living contemporar...

Pots, Pearls and Paintings 2023
The Pots, Pearls and Paintings Exhibition has been curated by a group of westside potters and artists keen to show off t...
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