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Ramadan Iftar Feast At Delhi 'O' Delhi 2023
During Ramadan loved ones gather at sunset to break their fast with the delicious 'Iftar' meal, sharing plates and savou...

Down the Rabbit Hole High Tea 2023
Sweet treats include bunny cheesecake, hot cross scones and month blanc tart, buttermilk nest with speckled chocolate eg...

Gerard McGowan The Hardest Way to Make an Easy Living 2023
Gerard McGowan ('The Mugg Off' podcast, FBI radio, ABC, triple j, Comedy Central) returns for a show five years in the m...

Info session: Business Innovation Program 2023
Ready, set, grow and challenge the way you look at your business Come on a journey to innovate and bring a fresh perspec...

RSL & Schools Remember ANZAC Commemoration & Art Exhibition 2023
The RSL and Schools Remember ANZAC Commemoration was first held in 1953, co-hosted by RSL NSW and the Department of Educ...

Small Victories Picnic PLUS 2023
Picture yourself after a Small Victories wine tasting in our beautiful garden, sharing a bottle and enjoying a platter, ...

Quiz Night @ The Stag Public House 2023
Gather your crew and put your mind to the test against some of South Australia's brightest minds. Every Wednesday at The...
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