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Cooking and Nutrition Classes at Glebe 2023
This fun 6 week cooking and nutrition program is designed to help you make lasting changes for better health. You will l...

Touch & Go 2023
Children aged 2 and 3 years are invited to enter a playful world of shapes and pathways, stepping stones and lines, with...

ArtsLab: Body of Work 2023
Shopfront's flagship Emerging Artist Residency once again culminates in a two-week long festival with works from eight e...

GAS SYD presents MYRIAD: A Group Art Show 2023
Group Art Shows Sydney (GAS SYD) continue their 'artist first' initiative with another spectacular line-up of Sydney art...

Invincible Summer 2023
In the last few years, we have been preoccupied with seemingly intractable global problems. Today there is a cautious op...

Simone Piccioni The Australian AEffect" 2023"
a means of sublimating emotions and ideas into a form of self-expression that is both personal and universal. The abili...

The Wasp by Morgan Lloyd Malcolm 2023
Heather & Carla haven't seen each other since school and yet here they are, twenty years later, sitting in a cafe drinki...
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