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Full Moon Past Life Trauma Clearing Ceremony 2023
That was so amazing! Thank you so much, you held the space so beautifully. It was just what I needed, I had a lot of em...

Full Moon Past Life Trauma Clearing Circle 2023
That was so amazing! Thank you so much, you held the space so beautifully. It was just what I needed, I had a lot of em...

Hairspray 2023
Starring much-loved stage and screen performer Shane Jacobson as Edna Turnblad, Todd McKenney as Wilbur Turnblad, Rhonda...

Luke Hardy | The Waking Dream 2023
These images are meditations on evanescence, a response to the way dreams elude us, abstracting and vanishing the more w...

Make a Leather Card and Note Holder 2023
This class is part two of five in the Envelope series. These classes have been designed to be attended in order to build...

Photography beginners class 2023
We'll cover everything you need to get started, including but not limited to:camera familiarisationcamera buttons and fu...

The Life of Cora Gooseberry 2023
The Rocks Discovery Museum's latest exhibition takes a look at Cora Gooseberry's life, celebrating her triumph in the fa...
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