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Melbourne Cup 2023
Saddle up for a swanky soiree at Pig 'n' Whistle Indooroopilly's Melbourne Cup bash!

Halloween Party 2023
Join Pig 'N' Whistle Brunswick Street for a spooktacular Halloween party this year!

Margs & Friends 2023
Make time for the things you love, with the people you love. Weekends and Margaritas are for life's happiest moments.

Christmas Day Lunch 2023
Celebrate Christmas Day lunch at The Cottage Restaurant. Enjoy a creative and traditional five course degustation with wine or beer.

RSL South Eastern District Community Family Day 2023
Enjoy a Family Fun Day hosted by the RSL South Eastern District.

Mirusia - Classique 2023
Prepare to be enchanted as the Australian/Dutch soprano and entertainer, Mirusia Louwerse, launches her highly anticipated album Classique and her accompanying tour, in her hometown

The Big Design Market 2023
The most anticipated festive season shopping extravaganza, The Big Design Market, is back, and it's grander than ever.Im...
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