Upnext Team
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Upnext Team events

LGBTQ couch to 5k running program 2022
The program is run by qualified coaches and will take you from a non-runner (or a slightly dodgy one) through to being a...

Love Your Nature 2022
Explore a kaleidoscope of colour, plants and passion with Love Your Nature! Step inside the wonderfully diverse world of...

Make do and mend textile stitching class 2022
Our resident mender, Celia Callow, has been a Reverse Garbage visitor for over 30 years. With a deep respect for existin...

Monday morning mindfulness walks 2022
Set your week straight-up with a clear, peaceful mind. Monday Morning Mindfulness walks are being held at Sunrise 6:30am...

Neon Playground by Chinatown 2022
Chinatown will be up in lights for a one-of-a-kind street festival of art, lights, music, community & food from 15 Octob...

Renewing Worlds Together: Notes from the Beach 2022
Riding connective currents of image, sound, and WiFi, long-time collaborators Paul G Wunungmurra and Jennifer Deger will...

Set yourself up to scale: Marketing toolkit 2022
Growth strategies can take months or even years to get right. Not to mention, it requires a lot of work-lots of it. Or m...
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