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A work of joy made for the Forecourt.Spread out on the forecourt of Sydney Opera House, directed by the 'formidable' Emm...


Encounter Sydney 2022

A work of joy made for the Forecourt.Spread out on the forecourt of Sydney Opera House, directed by the 'formidable' Emm...

What happened when a cemetery exhumed in 1901 was impacted on by modern redevelopment?This is the case of the Devonshire...


Known, Unknowns: Archaeology of the Devonshire St Cemetery 2022

What happened when a cemetery exhumed in 1901 was impacted on by modern redevelopment?This is the case of the Devonshire...

When he isn't teaching photographers how to find and shoot amazing landscapes, Peter Eastway is a renowned photographer ...


Navigating the landscape with Peter Eastway 2022

When he isn't teaching photographers how to find and shoot amazing landscapes, Peter Eastway is a renowned photographer ...

Ma and Pa Ubu are back to muck things up again! They want money, and they're not going to let something so insignificant...


U.B.U: A Cautionary Tale of Catastrophe 2022

Ma and Pa Ubu are back to muck things up again! They want money, and they're not going to let something so insignificant...

Live performance of vintage jazz from the 1920s. The singer also plays trumpet and trombone. Also in the band is double ...


All That Jazz Band 2022

Live performance of vintage jazz from the 1920s. The singer also plays trumpet and trombone. Also in the band is double ...

Complete your Archibald Prize experience with an authentic Italian meal overlooking the Domain. Enjoy our Art Lovers men...


Art Lovers Dining on The Domain 2022

Complete your Archibald Prize experience with an authentic Italian meal overlooking the Domain. Enjoy our Art Lovers men...

Claudia Rankine is one of the great poets of our time: an award-winning, acclaimed and beloved champion of social justic...


Claudia Rankine: Just Us 2022

Claudia Rankine is one of the great poets of our time: an award-winning, acclaimed and beloved champion of social justic...

Deluxe Dining at Botanic House Elevate your dining experience in the heart of The Royal Botanic Gardens with our deluxe ...


Deluxe Dining at Botanic House 2022

Deluxe Dining at Botanic House Elevate your dining experience in the heart of The Royal Botanic Gardens with our deluxe ...

In partnership with the University of Sydney's Conservatorium of Music, The Women's Club will showcase 17 emerging music...


Emerging Women in Music with Ash Quartet 2022

In partnership with the University of Sydney's Conservatorium of Music, The Women's Club will showcase 17 emerging music...


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