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Upnext Team events

History Festival - Adelaide Town Hall Tour: Public Tours 2022
Passionate and knowledgeable City of Adelaide volunteers guide you on a fascinating tour of the building. During the tou...

After School Mountain Bike Skills - For Girls 2022
We are excited to be able to offer a girls only version of our popular After School Skills Program! We hope the program ...

City Sounds: Queensland Wind And Brass, 27 February 2022
Queensland Wind and BrassSunday, 12:00pm, 1:00pm and 2:00pmQueensland Wind and Brass presents an afternoon of concert ba...

Alice - A Journey Through Wonderland 2022
Led by a befuddled and busy white rabbit, Alice Liddel stumbles upon a world like none she's seen before. Wonderland is ...

Cardi Gras 2021
A wonderful morning in conjunction with 'My Local Market' Walloon to display your pride and joy and enjoy the company of...

Cardi Gras Riverlink 2021
An Evening to display your pride and joy and enjoy the company of fellow car enthusiasts withtrophies handed out and Car...

Moreton Bay Running Festival 2022
Bring your whole crew along to enjoy the perfect running conditions and cooler evening temperatures on the gorgeous More...
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