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Upnext Team events

Australia's leading architecture and design event takes place at MPavilion, a temporary structure designed by MAP studio...


MPavilion 2022

Australia's leading architecture and design event takes place at MPavilion, a temporary structure designed by MAP studio...

Thousands of non-British residents lived through the White Australia Policy in the early 20th century. People from China...


Lasting impressions: love, family and the White Australia Policy 2022

Thousands of non-British residents lived through the White Australia Policy in the early 20th century. People from China...

Delicious Latin food, entertainment, beer garden, music, kids activities and so much more!...


Vida Latin Festival 2022

Delicious Latin food, entertainment, beer garden, music, kids activities and so much more!...

One Ocean, Our Future brings you the wonders of the ocean and the diversity of Australia's marine life. Discover, manipu...


One Ocean, Our Future 2022

One Ocean, Our Future brings you the wonders of the ocean and the diversity of Australia's marine life. Discover, manipu...

It's a new year yet the same-old. We always talked about the pandemic being a catalyst for a paradigm shift. But looking...


Sydney Ideas: The shape of things to come 2022

It's a new year yet the same-old. We always talked about the pandemic being a catalyst for a paradigm shift. But looking...

Do you come across problem with your devices and don't have anyone who can ask?Come and book a time with our volunteer t...


IT troubleshooting at Ultimo community centre 2022

Do you come across problem with your devices and don't have anyone who can ask?Come and book a time with our volunteer t...

You simply must come over to ITS Big House, Improv Theatre Sydney's weekly house team show! Amazing teams of primo impro...


ITS Big House 2022

You simply must come over to ITS Big House, Improv Theatre Sydney's weekly house team show! Amazing teams of primo impro...

This month, the Parliament of NSW will commemorate Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee with a free three-p...


Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee at NSW Parliament 2022

This month, the Parliament of NSW will commemorate Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee with a free three-p...


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