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Gelato Messina All Day Breakfast of Champions 2022
They'll be serving one new mind-blowing dessert that's never been done before and three of their most popular breakfast-...

Ice cream & street art adventure for kids 2022
On this family-friendly experience- you'll discover some of Newtown's best street art- while the kids are kept entertain...

Minecraft at the Museum (ages 7-9) 2022
Learn- create and play in a Minecraft world specially constructed for the Powerhouse Museum's Summer school holiday prog...

Minecraft at the Museum (ages 9-12) 2022
Learn- create and play in a Minecraft world specially constructed for the Powerhouse Museum's Summer school holiday prog...

The Summer Club 2021
The Summer Club will be a transformative space that will offer family-friendly fun and games during the day. As the even...

Black Brass 2022
Taking to the Belvoir stage for the first show of 2022- Black Brass is a play of voyaging and discovery- told through mu...

Floors of Heaven: Submersive Study 2022
It's dusk at the Boy Charlton and the air is warm and salty. Tucked between the harbour and a stately parade of Moreton ...
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