Category: Latest News
Category: Latest News events

Between the Details Video Art from the ACMI Collection 2023
Showcasing six moving image artworks by Australian artists, this exhibition celebrates ACMI's vibrant collecting and commissioning program.

Peter Waples-Crowe Pride 2023
An unapologetic celebration, 'Pride' brings Aboriginal queer visibility to the fore and highlights Peter Waples-Crowe's dedication to the community.

ACE at Dusk 2023
Get ready for the most thrilling art extravaganza of the year! Introducing ACE's new nighttime series 'ACE at Dusk.'

Deities by artist Ian Kingsford-Smith 2023
In the current exhibition Deities, the artist has hand-carved wooden sculptures from Jelutong wood.

A First Home for Parliament in Canberra Exhibition 2023
Explore the history of Australia's Provisional Parliament House (Old Parliament House) through a new exhibition, A first home for Parliament in Canberra.

Something That Happened 2023
When the dreams that you dare to dream may just come true...

Gutsy Girls Adventure Film Tour 2023
Our aim at the Gutsy Girls Adventure Film Tour is to connect like-minded women and build a community of supportive adventurous women.

Dust Collector's Exhibitions and Live Music Gig Adam Bell, Shaun Hayes and Elie KAUFMANN 2023
Dust Collectors is group show by ceramicist Shaun Hayes, painter Ellie Kaufmann and printmaker Adam Bell. These three artists share an interest in trash, obsolescence and nostalgia through objects and situations signifying a decaying, fading modernit

Oyster Festival at Sean's Kitchen 2023
The annual Oyster Festival returns for 2023, delivering new and exciting oyster-infused offerings.
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