Category: Latest News
Category: Latest News events

Cochlear Snuff Puppets 2023
Welcome to the unexpectedly beautiful interior of Snuff Puppets' ornate 14-metre giant inflatable spectacle, Cochlear.

Seniors Festival in Campbelltown 2023
The NSW Seniors Festival kicks off this February in Campbelltown.

Unravelling Queerly 2023
From political struggles, relationships with family and self-identity.

Eric Bibb - Solo Ridin Tour 2023
One of the world's leading bluesmen of our time, two-time Grammy Award nominee, Eric Bibb will come riding onto Australian shores in 2023.

Lightbulb Improv Spontaneous Comedy 2023
Come and delight in the quick-wit and creativity of improvised comedy masterminds.

Ivan Aristeguieta - Citizen 2023
Venezuelan is for dancing, Spanish is for cooking and Australian is for.... giving it a red-hot go.

Kumangka Palti Yarta - Welcome Ceremony 2023
To mark the imminent opening of the 2023 festival, Adelaide Fringe invites you to join the Welcome Ceremony at the beautiful Adelaide Botanic Gardens on Sunday 12 February.
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