Category: School
Category: School events

The PRC's 2022 economic outlook - What Aus needs to know
Lockdowns in centres of commercial activity and no clear national strategy for living with COVID-19 is the latest challe...

Textiles Symposium: Starting at Zero 2022
Bauhaus artist Anni Albers had an enduring interest in the material limitations of textiles and the possibilities these ...

The West Australian Pulse 2022
WA's talented young artists are celebrated in this yearly showcase, gauging the pulse of young people who will influence...

Spanish for Kids online classes 2022
We offer live Spanish classes for kids online, with options for group or private lessons. The program content is designe...

Art Club Term 2: Drawing 2022
Develop your skills in this drawing fundamentals program, covering Still Life; Portraiture; and Experimental Drawing.The...

Dear Prime Minister: Letters to Robert Menzies, 1949-1966 2022
Robert Menzies received 22,000 letters during his record-breaking second term as PM - from war veterans, widows, and pol...

Gay men speed dating 2.0 in the Rocks: ages 25-45 2022
We are very excited to be holding our first Gay Men Matched Speed Dating event at Sydney's hottest new cocktail bar - th...
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