What's on in Acton

Banksia Views 2023
A showcase of works from the Painting with Parkinson's program, reflecting on member's experience with the Australian Na...

Synergy: Tony Tuckson - Drawing Into Painting 2023
After his demise at the age of 52 in 1973, Tony Tuckson's stature has grown exponentially. His prolific output over a me...

The World Of Hiroe Swen's Ceramic Art: Digital Archive Launch And Pop-up Exhibition 2023
This pop-up exhibition at the ANU Drill Hall Gallery coincides with the launch of The world of Hiroe Swen, a digital arc...

Crimes Of The Heart 2023
Even crimes of the heart have consequences.In this award-winning black comedy, the three MaGrath sisters are together in...

High Country Natives 2023
An exhibition focusing on native plants from the alpine, subalpine, montane and tableland regions by the Friends of the ...

Australians And Hollywood: The Exhibition 2022
Celebrate iconic moments in contemporary Australian film, and the people and stories that brought them to life, when you...

Ocean Film Festival World Tour 2023
Designed to mesmerise and enthral, the Ocean Film Festival World Tour showcases a three-hour celebration of our oceans c...
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