What's on in Acton

Indigenous Plant Use Walk 2022
Enjoy a guided walk along the Aboriginal Plant Use Trail as part of Heritage Week.Look at Australian plants with new eye...

A Celebration Of Eucalypts 2022
Eucalypts dominate much of the Australian landscape and are a key feature of our culture and identity. Each year Nationa...

Bimblebox 153 Birds 2001
Bimblebox 153 Birds surrounds you with the sights and sounds of birdlife found on the Bimblebox Nature Refuge. This uni...

Mixed Signals Exhibition At Ambush Gallery 2001
Mixed Signals is a dynamic new solo exhibition from Canberra-born artist Jess Cochrane, whose star is fast on the rise i...

Where Lakes Once Had Water: Sonia Leber And David Chesworth 2001
Photo: Sonia Leber and David Chesworth, Where Lakes Once Had Water (video still), 2020, 2-channel 4K UHD video, stereo a...

Australians & Hollywood: A Tale Of Craft, Talent, And Ambition 2001
Australians & Hollywood is a Canberra-exclusive exhibition celebrating iconic moments in contemporary Australian film an...

Australian Of The Year Exhibition 2021
This exhibition pays tribute to the eight extraordinary recipients of the 2022 Australian of the Year Awards. It feature...
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