
What's on in Adelaide

Connecting to Place. Kaurna Then and Now' will take participants across three sites within the central business district, each with ongoing deep significance to Kaurna.


Connecting to Place. Kaurna Then and Now 2022

Connecting to Place. Kaurna Then and Now' will take participants across three sites within the central business district, each with ongoing deep significance to Kaurna.

There is no greater way of easing into the startup journey than by breaking bread with new friends and old.


SOUTHSTART Community Celebration 2022

There is no greater way of easing into the startup journey than by breaking bread with new friends and old.

The unique dining experience will be a celebration of the good things in life; food, wine, and friendship with a nod to culinary techniques and trends that have stood the test of time.


Hilton Adelaides 40th Celebration Dinner A Hilton Adelaide Memoir 2022

The unique dining experience will be a celebration of the good things in life; food, wine, and friendship with a nod to culinary techniques and trends that have stood the test of time.

This is fast paced, exhilarating, 20/20 style polo set against the backdrop of South Australia's most recognisable and applauded wine & food regions


Adelaide Polo Classic 2022

This is fast paced, exhilarating, 20/20 style polo set against the backdrop of South Australia's most recognisable and applauded wine & food regions

In this life, everybody has a lucky star.. His, just happens to be the Queen of Pop.


Madonna Made Me Gay! Presented by Aaron Collis 2022

In this life, everybody has a lucky star.. His, just happens to be the Queen of Pop.

Being outside in nature is great for your mental health and wellbeing. Trees For Life invite you to join us in the Adela...


Regenerate in the Adelaide Park Lands 2022

Being outside in nature is great for your mental health and wellbeing. Trees For Life invite you to join us in the Adela...

The Mill in partnership with OzAsia Festival present a masterclass with Maria Tran exploring action fight choreography and stage combat.


OzAsia Masterclass The Craft of Fight Choreography with Maria Tran 2022

The Mill in partnership with OzAsia Festival present a masterclass with Maria Tran exploring action fight choreography and stage combat.

Bridge of Dreams is a space between two worlds, where thrilling music, colourful and magical performance, and cultures collide.


OzAsia Festival 2022 Bridge of Dreams

Bridge of Dreams is a space between two worlds, where thrilling music, colourful and magical performance, and cultures collide.


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