
What's on in Canberra

From the incomparable storytellers of Bangarra Dance Theatre comes a major new work.Frances Rings' first work as Artisti...


Yuldea 2023

From the incomparable storytellers of Bangarra Dance Theatre comes a major new work.Frances Rings' first work as Artisti...

Rory Hamovit's body of work employs childhood playtime and utilises humour as ways to deconstruct the tropes and traditions of heteronormative notions of masculinity.


Exhibition Parallel Play by Rory Hamovit 2023

Rory Hamovit's body of work employs childhood playtime and utilises humour as ways to deconstruct the tropes and traditions of heteronormative notions of masculinity.

Changemakers celebrates the activists, icons and allies behind 120 years of women's rights in Australia


Changemakers 2023

Changemakers celebrates the activists, icons and allies behind 120 years of women's rights in Australia

Songs for Freedom is an uplifting concert of original songs created by Ngarluma and Yindjibarndi artists in the Pilbara town of Ieramugadu (Roebourne WA).


Songs for Freedom 2023

Songs for Freedom is an uplifting concert of original songs created by Ngarluma and Yindjibarndi artists in the Pilbara town of Ieramugadu (Roebourne WA).

Sixteen contemporary Australian craft practitioners, designers and artists examine the concept of exuberance through colour, materiality and politics through hand stitch.


Exuberance Exhibition 2023

Sixteen contemporary Australian craft practitioners, designers and artists examine the concept of exuberance through colour, materiality and politics through hand stitch.

Patterns in nature reflecting patterns in life is a theme in Jennifer Procter's exhibition Intertidal


Intertidal Exhibition At Tuggeranong Arts Centre 2023

Patterns in nature reflecting patterns in life is a theme in Jennifer Procter's exhibition Intertidal

Great sporting moments make great stories. Sporting achievements helped to establish the international reputation of Australia and is a source of pride for sports-crazed Aussies.


Grit And Gold Tales From A Sporting Nation 2023

Great sporting moments make great stories. Sporting achievements helped to establish the international reputation of Australia and is a source of pride for sports-crazed Aussies.

Haegue Yang's immersive multimedia environments combine diverse materials and cultural traditions with references ranging from science and art history to political events.


Haegue Yang Changing From From To From 2023

Haegue Yang's immersive multimedia environments combine diverse materials and cultural traditions with references ranging from science and art history to political events.

Lisa Cahill | Peter Bollington.CO: LAB is a culmination of a year-long Craft ACT professional development and exchange p...


Co: Lab 2023

Lisa Cahill | Peter Bollington.CO: LAB is a culmination of a year-long Craft ACT professional development and exchange p...


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