What's on in Canberra

Elton Out of the Closet 2022
Bringing Vegas to the Village Centre, the National Arboretum Canberra presents Elton Out Of The Closet

Light Eternal 2022
Join The Llewellyn Choir for "Light Eternal", on Saturday 28 May 2022, for a program featuring some of the best of 19th and 20th century English church music

Llewellyn Series Miracles in the Age of Reason 2022
The philosophical and artistic forces at work in Europe in the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

Under the Bonnet - An Unscripted Comedy of Manners 2022
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a Canberran in possession of a busy life, must be in want of a laugh.

Van Diemen's Band 2022
Van Diemen's Band comes from an island state. And perhaps it's the absence of land borders that empowers its musicians to view the world in a distinctive light.

Music and More with Lucky Jim 2022
Kids and carers will be treated to activities and live performances full of toe-tapping tunes, ridiculous stories, imaginative lyrics and general silliness.

The Mission 2022
Family secrets are revealed in a spellbinding theatre show coming to Tuggeranong Arts Centre in Mya.
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