
What's on in Chatswood

If you're aged 14-24 and interested in working in cafes, restaurants or bars then you will need barista experience!Day P...


Barista foundations and job ready workshop 2023

If you're aged 14-24 and interested in working in cafes, restaurants or bars then you will need barista experience!Day P...

The Tanya Pearson Academy will present their full-length production The Nutcracker on December 16 and 17 at the Concours...


The Nutcracker - Tanya Pearson & Sydney Youth Orchestra 2023

The Tanya Pearson Academy will present their full-length production The Nutcracker on December 16 and 17 at the Concours...

For  ages 12-18. If you're looking for a fun and relaxing way to spend your summer break, our workshop is just what you ...


Paint and sip mocktails - Summer school holiday program 2023

For ages 12-18. If you're looking for a fun and relaxing way to spend your summer break, our workshop is just what you ...

SafeTALK is an in-person 3.5-4 hour workshop in suicide alertness, where we train people how to identify a person who ma...


SafeTALK - Suicide alertness training 2023

SafeTALK is an in-person 3.5-4 hour workshop in suicide alertness, where we train people how to identify a person who ma...

Are you 17 to 24 years old? As part of our commitment to youth employment, you can obtain a NSW RSA certificate at a 50%...


Responsible service of alcohol (RSA) course - 50% subsidised 2023

Are you 17 to 24 years old? As part of our commitment to youth employment, you can obtain a NSW RSA certificate at a 50%...

An exhibition of paintings by Seya Hashemi.To this day, Seya Hashemi's art practice is based mostly on his dreams which ...


Mother Nature 2023

An exhibition of paintings by Seya Hashemi.To this day, Seya Hashemi's art practice is based mostly on his dreams which ...

A group exhibition exploring the urban landscape, presented by Open Bite Printmakers.In this exhibition, all manner of u...


Urbanus 2023

A group exhibition exploring the urban landscape, presented by Open Bite Printmakers.In this exhibition, all manner of u...

Join us for a heart-warming and enchanting musical celebration as we bring you an unforgettable evening filled with the ...


Willoughby Symphony Orchestra: The Magic of Christmas 2023

Join us for a heart-warming and enchanting musical celebration as we bring you an unforgettable evening filled with the ...

Join Trish Yates at Art Space on The Concourse for a printmaking demonstration.Mokuhanga is a Japanese woodblock printma...


Mokuhanga printmaking demonstration 2023

Join Trish Yates at Art Space on The Concourse for a printmaking demonstration.Mokuhanga is a Japanese woodblock printma...


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