What's on in Darlinghurst

Shaun Hayes - Trashed 2021
TRASHED' investigates the material conversations of waste. How has disposability translated into the materiality of the...

Literary Dinner - Annie Smithers and Christine Manfield 2021
In-between enjoying a delicious Thai feast- Annie Smithers and Christine Manfield will be in conversation about Annie's ...

David McAllister and Todd McKenney: Literary Dinner 2021
In-between enjoying a delicious Thai feast- David McAllister (principal dancer and also artistic director of the Austral...

A talk with Eddie Jaku 2021
Join us at the Sydney Jewish Museum to hear Holocaust survivor and bestselling author Eddie Jaku OAM tell his life story...

Vu iz dos gesele (Where is the little street)? 2021
Acclaimed Australian artist Wendy Sharpe will take over the walls of Sydney Jewish Museum's gallery space- using a large...

Talk by Holocaust survivor Mimi Wise 2021
Join us at the Museum to hear a fascinating talk by Holocaust survivor Mimi Wise.Mimi was born on 4 December 1937 in Mil...

Transpersonal Art Therapy worksop 2021
Looking for a creative way to spend a Friday night? Enter your imagination and explore your subconscious through art.Age...
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