What's on in Darlinghurst

Dancehall workshop with Jes Subba 2021
Dance has no limits- allow yourself to connect to the rhythm bringing fun- passionate energy whilst learning the roots o...

Make-up and wigs workshop with Sealegs 2021
Treat yourself to a gorgeous beauty session where you will learn tips on stage hair and make up in order to prepare for ...

Life drawing workshop with Bonnie Cowan 2021
Life-drawing session with Bonnie is a 'quasispiritual' journey. Explore and draw gorgeous curves as you put pencil to pa...

Movement workshop with Mama Medusa 2021
Captivate the crowd as you learn to dance like lightning- mixing elements from slow and seductive burlesque all the way ...

Bootylates workshop with Demon Derriere 2021
Escape the gym politics and learn body conditioning skills for you to practice in your own home. This session focuses on...

Fanbolous workshop with Rainbow 2021
Fanbulous! A fan-veil workshop! Learn and refine silk fan veil dance technique and use what you learn to create a fun gr...

Hula hooping workshop with Kiri the spinning sensation 2021
A great full body workout without even realising! This class is suitable for all ages- fitness levels and hula hooping a...
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