
What's on in Haberfield

Join author and literary lecturer Susannah Fullerton on a discussion of Victor Hugo.Considered the greatest of all Frenc...


Speaker Series: Susannah Fullerton presents Victor Hugo 2022

Join author and literary lecturer Susannah Fullerton on a discussion of Victor Hugo.Considered the greatest of all Frenc...

David Lewis will examine the development of Holmes, look at the fascinating life of his creator, Arthur Conan Doyle, and...


Speaker Series: Sherlock Holmes with David Lewis 2022

David Lewis will examine the development of Holmes, look at the fascinating life of his creator, Arthur Conan Doyle, and...

Interactive Virtual Reality enables a whole new way of telling stories and creating 3D animated movies.In this one-day w...


Storytelling and movie making in virtual reality 2021

Interactive Virtual Reality enables a whole new way of telling stories and creating 3D animated movies.In this one-day w...

The Bully Project is the social action campaign inspired by the award-winning documentary Bully.It's common for carers t...


The Bully Project workshop for parents and Carers 2021

The Bully Project is the social action campaign inspired by the award-winning documentary Bully.It's common for carers t...

Join Andrew Nimmo from Lahznimmo Architects for a presentation and discussion on modern approaches to the adaptive reuse...


Reimagining Haberfield Centre and Library 2021

Join Andrew Nimmo from Lahznimmo Architects for a presentation and discussion on modern approaches to the adaptive reuse...

Conceptualised by Gemmell on her return to Australia after 15 years living in the UK- The Ripping Tree has taken her 9 y...


Nikki Gemmell in conversation: The Ripping Tree 2021

Conceptualised by Gemmell on her return to Australia after 15 years living in the UK- The Ripping Tree has taken her 9 y...


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